
Theresa's books

Roc and a Hard Place
Geis of the Gargoyle
Harpy Thyme
Demons Don't Dream
The Color of Her Panties
Question Quest
Isle of View
Man from Mundania
Heaven Cent
Crewel Lye
Golem in the Gears
Vale of the Vole
Dragon on a Pedestal
Ogre, Ogre
Witch's Halloween: A Complete Guide to the Magick, Incantations, Recipes, Spells, and Lore
The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking Runes with Stones
The Diary of a Young Girl
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Hobbit

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Children - Stay the Hell Out of Trouble

I wrote this 7/20/18 and contemplated it for a long time before posting. I don't feel quite as angry as I did then but feel the info is still relevant. So I'm posting.

Children aren't really supposed to know the hardships. But when they seem to deliberately cause them by refusing to control their anger they definitely need to know. In my area, if your kid gets into trouble, YOU have a lot of work to do. They can still run off on you and not listen for quite some time before they have to face consequences. Your time allotments and the unwillingness of a job to let you move your schedule around are, of course, your problem. Appointments will be made and if you don't show up you could spend time in jail for a non-compliance.

And a big fat F you to anyone who says this is completely the parent's fault when their child won't listen. You want to know who else doesn't listen to the parents or help them sometimes? Counselors, schools, psychiatrists, and even police. When you keep calling because your kid takes off the police will tell you they're tired of coming out there. OK, I'm tired of calling you but I have to because stupid people help my child act delinquent.

Some counselors just tell the parent they should let their kids do whatever makes them happy and encourages the child in thinking they have the right to just take off (to cool off). The child may perceive some police to be telling them this too. The child takes advantage of this. And before you tell a parent to spank their child. In Florida, if you spank your kid anywhere but their bottom, more than I think 2-3 whacks, and it leaves a mark lasting more than 30 minutes (sucks if your kid marks easily) you have a very good chance of losing them. Where I am it seems to be that it just can't be excessive or an actual hit (punch, slapping around; you know, actually abusive stuff).

Then there is everyone around you telling you how a portion of your way of doings things isn't right and telling you in front of your children so that they learn what you say means nothing. Must be nice to be so confident that your brat is perfect even if they are rude to others and maybe bullies.

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